Phase 3

As optional services, we offer follow-up support, technical assistance, feedback, coaching, and monitoring of progress as the board implements the action plan. The paramount objectives at this stage are to sustain the momentum generated by the governance review process, to execute action plans, and to provide a measure of external accountability.  Activities could include:

  • Reviewing and critiquing drafts of documents and templates developed by the board and/or management, and recommend changes as appropriate.
  • Advising the Chair, the CEO, committee chairs, and staff liaisons on the design and conduct of board meetings that are responsive to recommendations generated by the process.
  • Observing one or two board meetings within the first year after the retreat and provide real-time oral feedback and a written executive summary.
  • Observing committee or task force meetings.
  • Board committee self assessments.
  • Ongoing coaching.

“Some boards find it helpful to touch base periodically with an outside consultant or work with a board coach to help sustain governance as leadership. Until the governance as leadership practices become second nature to a board, and the CEO, board chair, and governance committee feel at ease with the new practices, it can help to have a coach. We provide these crucial coaching services.”


“I was fortunate to be awarded a scholarship to attend the ‘Governance as Leadership’ Board Excellence Symposium. Dr. Trower gave an outstanding presentation—the best I have attended in many years. She delighted the audience with many practical examples from her consulting to support the material on how to build the board as a team. I took away many tips and hints to further the work of our board in the coming year. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.”

Noreen Downs

President, Green Mountain Conservation Group